We also have trouble taking photos of individual people. We don't want to take (let alone post to the internet!) pictures of people without asking their permission. But it can be complicated to ask permission (particularly when you're a tourist; the question of money always seems to be in the air which can make it difficult to have normal interactions). Also, once you've asked permission, now they're posing when what you really wanted to do was catch them as you saw them originally.
What thoughts do all you photographers out there have about these dilemmas?
Anyway, here are some of the few photos we took during the festival last week.
These photos are AWESOME and well worth whatever you had to do to get it. Some photo tactics I've tried include group shot, high res, crop later; hold camera casually at your side and take kid photos unobtrusively; focus on fascinating rock or tree just beside intended subject and move just a little to get the shot (people often watch you at first but quit watching you if you don't appear to be shooting them). Big problem with simply paying a little, which I don't object to doing: all 1,000 children (and even adults) will block your path with hands out for THEIR photos. (I'd do that too, if I were in their spot, but it will completely your time and ruin the experience.) You can try saying you are free-lance journalists covering the festivals for an online publication. People usually are flattered. If they want to be paid, tell them it is policy not to pay. Say very few photos of those taken actually get published. Offer the link and if you have the ability a free photo. Last ditch that's worked for me is if someone is getting mad, let them watch you erase their picture.
Okay, that's all--hope it helps. BTW, every photographer will tell you you can take pictures or be at the event. Not both.
Oops, I should have proofread...sorry about plural/singular error in first sentence and omitted word somewhere in the middle.
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