Friday, December 4, 2009

Angkor Thom

Angkor Thom is the most recent, and one of the most impressive of the ruins around Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat was built by a Hindu king, and dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu. By contrast, Angkor Thom is a Buddhist monument. Its most notable feature are the numerous giant faces atop the gateways and spires. They are thought to represent the Bodhisattva known in Cambodia as Lokesvara, and to Buddhists elsewhere as Avalokitesvara--'the Lord who looks in every direction.' The serene and meditative features are thought to be modeled on those of the god-King Jayavarman VII (AD 1181-1219), the builder of Angkor Thom.

Here's a collection of some of our pictures:

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