Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Camping - Part 2 - In which Jen spots a Wallaby

When we woke up it was foggy and beautiful.

We stopped back at the overlook before starting our descent (the same place I took the vista shot in the last post) and we couldn't see anything in the fog. The descent was quite steep, but it was a well tended trail (unlike the remainder of the trails we would walk).

The sky had more or less cleared by the time we reached the valley floor.

After awhile things started to dry out as we continued through a meadow of ferns.

Eventually we reached our next campsite at the blue gum forest (blue gum being another name for eucalyptus, apparently).

We set up camp for a second time and went on a hike around the valley.

One of the trails led us over this log.

Jen was less confident in her ability to balance...

Later, when we were back at camp, Jen saw a wallaby when it hopped directly through the center of camp. Unfortunately I was off in the woods. More photos and animal sightings to come...

1 comment:

CDob said...

Parents really like the pre-planning on finding out what can kill or injure you:)