Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sleeping in the Singapore Airport has awarded Singapore the best airport for sleeping in several years running. After spending a wonderful night there, we can tell you first hand that it's better than many hotels. The airport features:
- Free massage chairs
- A butterfly garden
- A fern nature walk
- A segue driving course
- A free 24-hour-a-day movie theater
- Free xboxs to play
- Special sleeping areas with very low light, comfortable fully reclining chairs, soft music, and a small waterfall.
- And, of course, 24 hour food courts and coffee shops.
In case you're not sure what to do with yourself on your layover, the airport has its own magazine with recommended schedules of airport activities depending on how long you're staying.

There were lots of Christmas decorations while we were there, including this death-star-like ornament.

Sometimes it would open and an illuminated ball with a surprise inside would wind its way down a spiral track. (The openings were rare and unpredicatable, though, so I only managed to capture one from far off).

Here were some delicious treats we enjoyed. They were called "pancakes" but were more like filled muffins. We found them at a bean-curd specialty shop that only soled things made from bean curd.

Here was our snack! Two of the pancakes, and some soft, delicious, flavored bean curd.

Later, at the food court, I went to the soup stall where I could choose 6 ingredients and have them make a soup from it.

Here's Jen with the death-star.

And me at one of the foot-massage stations.

A lot of the good stuff was past security, and so we couldn't get to it until British Air started early check-in at midnight. So we spent about midnight to 4am wandering around inside the airport, sampling its many pleasures.

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